Maartje Oostdijk

Maartje Oostdijk

Postdoctoral researcher

University of Iceland

Welcome on my personal website, thanks for taking a look! I am at the moment constructing this website so just noting here that it is not complete yet! I am a researcher interested in the governance of common pool resources and the interactions between humans and their environment.

During my education I focused specifically on coastal and marine systems, anthropogenic impacts on the ecological functioning of these systems and ecological and socio-economic impacts of management measures. I have experience collaborating with those from the fields of social sciences and natural sciences and as an interdisciplinary marine scholar move between those fields, in a team-setting. I’ve strongly grounded myself in quantitative methods, using network analysis, statistical modelling, dynamic ecosystem modelling and remote sensing. More recently I’m also gaining experience in qualitative methods, through an interview campaign and the organisation of stakeholder workshops. Recent areas of research:

• Social-ecological modelling of a potential fishery in the ocean twilight zone and impacts on fish contributions to carbon cycling, combining qualitative interview data and quantitative data

• Classification of global fisheries management systems and their relation to outcomes for marine populations using statistical modelling

• Statistical modelling of global trade impacts on marine population status

• Ecological modelling of global change drivers in the Icelandic ecosystem

• Statistical and network modelling of socio-economic impacts and drivers in the Icelandic fisheries system


Research Associate
World Maritime University
January 2023 – Present Reykjavik (Iceland)

Responsibilities include:

  • Fisheries connectivity analysis
Research Associate
World Maritime University
May 2021 – December 2022 Malmo (remote)

Responsibilities include:

  • Social-ecological model
  • Interviews
  • Quantitative governance analysis
PhD student
University of Iceland & Stockholm University
March 2016 – April 2021 Reykjavik (Iceland) & Stockholm (Sweden)
Studied fisheries management impact on target stocks, and modeling of climate change impacts on the marine ecosystem


Project; Marine Systems Approaches for Biodiversity Resilience and Ecosystem Sustainablity
Recently launched EU consortium combining Social–ecological systems (SES) and ecosystem-based management (EBM) approaches to EU marine case studies project website.
Fishing opportunities impact on target stocks
Semi global study on how fishing opportunities relate to health of marine populations.


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(2022). Which attributes of fishing opportunities are linked to sustainable fishing?. Fish and Fisheries, 23(6).

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